Monday, November 3, 2014


Reader's Theater
colonists,corn,Native Americans,people,persons,pilgrims,women

P Is for Pilgrim: A Thanksgiving Alphabet (Alphabet Books) First Thanksgiving  Thanksgiving on Thursday (Magic Tree House Series #27) The First Thanksgiving (Step into Reading Books Series: A Step 3 Book) The First Thanksgiving Arthur's Thanksgiving (Arthur Adventures Series) Squanto and the Miracle of Thanksgiving A Journey to the New World: The Story of Remember Patience Whipple, Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1620 (Dear America Series)

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

DIY Circle Garland

As I told you in my welcome post, you may see several post that have the "twodaisiesandanelephant" logo in them. This is one of them. I had prepared it for my previous blog, but since I decided to change everything it is now here :). 

For Em's first birthday, I did a lot of the decorations by myself. We didn't have a lot of money to spend on decorations... so, I wanted to DIY something myself. I had seen on several websites garlands using the simplest of materials.... paper and a hole punch. 

So, I grabbed several different colors of paper that correlated with the colors of Em's birthday party. Then grabbed the hole punch, some kite string and the tape. 


I then just hole punched each of the papers several times. Once I felt like I had enough of each of the colors... it was about 40 each... I laid them out on my lap desk and placed the string on top. Then centered each, as each were placed semi-perfectly... I taped each and then flipped them over to make sure they would hang correctly on the wall. 

Once they were done, I hung the garland up around her bedroom door to add a little color over there. We also used several of the extra circles to add decoration around her Happy Birthday banner, to cover up the tape on the streamers, and to add a little pizazz to the edges of the kitchen counter where the food and what not was.

This was a simple little task that took me about 2 hours to complete from start to finish. Just another little addition that added an adorable touch to Em's birthday party.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dictionary Day

In a week, we will be celebrating Dictionary Day in honor of Noah Webster's birthday. With that, I've put together some activities that you could do with your students.


On-line Games:
  • Gamequarium has a variety of games that your students can play on-line   regarding their dictionary skills
Class/Individual Activities:
  • For younger students they can create a picture dictionary
  • Older students can create their own dictionaries to help with their writing
  • You can also create a class dictionary
  • Students can create Dictionary Man
  • There is also a fun activity call A Ditzy Dictionary for the Younger Crowd

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Free Math Activities by Hotel Translyvania

Even though the movie is already out and Halloween is over a month away, Hotel Transylvania and Scholastic have teamed up to bring to you some monster math activities. Each of these activities are free and range from on-line games, to board games, as well as a variety of worksheets.

Each of these activities also do relate to the Common Core standards and a chart is included to help you.

Just go click here to access the website and let your students have a blast!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Halloween Activities

animals,bats,costumes,ghosts,Halloween,cards,jack o' lanterns,mammals,nature,pumpkins,special occasions,decorative elementsI can't believe Halloween is just a few weeks away!! With that it even means our first baby is due (yes, she's due on Halloween). I'm so ready for some candy, some Halloween fun, and of course, our new little bundle of joy :)!

Anyways, over the course of this week, I'll be adding some new Halloween posts regarding a variety of subjects... so be on the lookout!

Below are some activities to get you started for the week, that you can use for some Halloween fun within your classroom...

Also don't forget to always check The Mailbox's website, they have some great activities as well.


Below are a variety of math activities you can use with your students...

brews,cartoons,cauldrons,Halloween,holidays,people,pots,special occasions,witches,green goopsDouble, Double, Toil, and Trouble... Here are a few science activities to get your student brewing ...

animals,bats,buildings,full moons,Halloween,haunted houses,nature,special occasions
Here are some Reading and Writing activities...
Here are some activities regarding the history of Halloween...
candies,candy,celebrations,dining,food,Halloween,jack-o'-lanterns,special occasions,sweets,treats,trick or treat bags

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Columbus Day Activities

We all know the phrase "In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue..." With that, Columbus Day is quickly approaching and I wanted to give you some activities that I had found.

On-line Activity:

  • Biography
  • Word Search
  • Maze
  • Coloring Pages
  • Usually around Columbus Day you can find some valuable worksheets at The Mailbox. You must be a member (it's free when you sign up for the basic version) and you will receive related activities regarding your grade level.
Other Activities:
  • Writing
    • Students can write about if they were explorers
    • Students can write about life on one of the ships
    • Students can write about what it was like to sail with Christopher Columbus
    • They can can also write about if they were to discover a New World what would it be like

In 1492 Christopher Columbus Christopher Columbus (History Maker Bios Series) Christopher Columbus (Step into Reading Book Series: A Step 3 Book)

Christopher Columbus,explorers,men,Nina,Pinta,sailing,ships,Santa Maria,transportation,people

Here is a cut out of Christopher Columbus that your students can put together to create him...

PatternHere's a mini-book from The Mailbox that your students can create. It will open in another window as a PDF file.

To make the mini-book, copy the pattern onto white paper (they suggest construction paper). Have students color each page as desired along with the ship. Once students have colored each have them put the pages together in sequential order and staple the sails. Next, have students glue the flag and the ship to a popsicle stick. Once they've glued, then glue the last sail to part of the stick. After it has been glued together have students read each of the pages.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Fall Love and the Pumpkin Patch

Fall is here!! Probably, one of the greatest things about fall besides the cooler weather is the pumpkin patch. For some reason, I still even as an adult enjoy going out to the pumpkin patch and picking out the perfect pumpkin. So in honor of Fall and pumpkin season, I gathered a few activities to go along with this theme. :)

** Don't forget if you log onto The Mailbox you can also get a few free worksheets regarding fall and pumpkins


Seed, Sprout, Pumpkin, PieFrom Seed to Pumpkin (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science Books Series)PumpkinPumpkins

Some Fun Pumpkin Books:

Biscuit Visits the Pumpkin PatchMarley and the Runaway Pumpkin (Marley: I Can Read Book 2 Series)Pinkalicious and the Pink Pumpkin (Pinkalicious Series)It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie BrownIt's Pumpkin Day, Mouse! (If You Give... Series)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Fire Safety Books

Here are a few books regarding Fire Safety for the upcoming Fire Prevention Week (10/5-10/11)...

Fire SafetyFire SafetyStop, Drop, and Roll: A Jessica Worries Book: Fire Safety

Fireboy to the Rescue: A Fire Safety BookFirehouse Fun! (Ready, Freddy! Series #17)FirefightersNo Dragons for Tea: Fire Safety for Kids

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fire Prevention Week 10/5-10/11

Below are some great activities for Fire Safety/Prevention Week from Scholastic and Sparky the Dog...

Free Worksheets/Lessons from Scholastic

Activites: The activities below are found on the website (just click on activities to access them)

  • Escape Plan Grid
  • Bookmarks
  • Origami Dog
  • Sparky's Home Safety Checklist
  • Sort it Out
  • How to Draw a Fire Dog
Coloring Pages:

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Reader's Theatre

Reader's Theater: Slurping Beauty

Here is a free Reader's Theater for you guys called Slurping Beauty. It's really cute and hilarious. I laughed from the beginning to the end and the kids seem to really enjoy it. Just click on the link above to access the PDF.

Here's a little clip via YouTube.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Activities for September 11

I know many of us remember 9/11/01 for some we were sitting at our desks in school, for others they were out and about, and for some they were at work. Each of us watching the horrors that unfolded right before our eyes. I know for myself I was sitting in my high school math class right at the start of my sophomore year watching everything unfold on the TV and hoping for my uncle who was at the Pentagon. It was hard then and still hard today, especially for teachers and new teachers who having to incorporate this into their curriculum.

Now 10 years later and with 9/11 just around the corner here are some activities to incorporate with classroom lessons and discussions. These are just a few, please keep in mind all are not suitable for younger elementary students --- use your discretion and use them as valuable resources.


Friday, August 29, 2014

Baby Pool Ball Pit

I decided to change over my previous blog to this blog. You can still find me over at However, most of my blog posts from there will be transferred over to this one. So, at times you may see the "twodaisiesandanelephant" logo going across many of the photos. No worries, it is me. I promise.

A few weeks ago, I grabbed a baby pool on clearance at my local Walmart. I couldn't beat the price and I since I needed to take a part the pack and play for our vacation. The balls needed a place to go. 

This also gave Baby E a little more freedom while playing with them. She hated being confined. Plus, she has the opportunities to throw her balls and roll out whenever she feels like it.

A cheap and easy play toy that barely cost $5.00. 

Now, all I have to do is teach our puppies that they can't sneak into her room and steal them whenever they want. They are obsessed! 

Monday, August 25, 2014

Harry's Big Adventure by Terminex

Picture taken from Terminex Website
Terminex has a fun on-line education center for students and teachers to explore the world of insects. Students follow Harry the Chinese Praying Mantis as he introduces them to fun and interesting facts about a variety of insects. Below is a list of some of the items in Harry's World.

1. Educators Guide (PDF)
2. Lesson Plans (Grades K-8)
3. Games and more
4. Watch and Hear Bugs

You can also schedule a visit from a Terminex pro to come visit your classroom and present some information regarding insects. This is for grades K-6 only.

Friday, August 22, 2014

A Lifesaver For Us and Our Sick Baby --- The Graco Nasal Aspirator

Let me just start off with the fact that I am not endorsed of affiliated with this company in any way, shape, or form. I'm just a real mama sharing what's worked for us and our baby girl.

So, after we found out that we had mold in our blue hospital nasal aspirator (and yes, we cleaned them constantly); I ended up freaking out and literally crying about it. It was the whole new mama thing and hoping that my baby girl was still okay. Anyways, I looked on-line for some other options and found the Graco Bebesounds Nasal Aspirator. We chose this aspirator not only because it was electric and would give us a better suction, but it was easy to clean and it had a musical option to soothe baby. Now, we did have to buy the extra replacement tips to the longer tip. However, it was a reasonable price; under $2.00, then I got it for about nothing with some babies r us coupons I had from my purchases. 

In the end, this has been the biggest life saver for us! Right in the middle of a nasty winter storm our baby started to get worse. She sounded horribly, coughing, sneezing, congested, a low grade fever, and a runny nose light a faucet. She had already had a rough night and so that we could be at ease and know she was at ease we packed up our stuff and headed out at the height of the storm. We drove down to our pediatrician to find out they were closed so we headed out to the pediatric ER. After hours of sitting there, we found out that she had an upper respiratory infection. We told to just monitor her and suck out the snot. 

As you can see below this thing has seriously worked! This has just been the past couple times today during her diaper changes so far. A LOT OF SNOT!
Now, I usually wash them out with warm soapy water after every 2-3 diaper changes and then a full clean in the dishwasher every 2 days when we wash her bottles. 

Here are a few places that you can buy them:

Walgreens ~ $19.97 (they don't sell the replacement tips)
WalMart ~ $19.87 (I haven't seen the replacement tips there)
Target ~ $19.89 (they don't sell the replacement tips)
Amazon ~ $19.87 (the replacement tips vary from $9.39-$17.00)
CVS ~ $19.99 (the replacement tips are $2.99)
Babies R Us ~ $29.99 (the replacement tips are $1.99)

The only thing I would say that I am disappointed in is the fact that it does say that it includes 2 tips (it only includes one) and has a carrying case (which there was none in the package). Otherwise despite those two downfalls it's been an absolutely amazing product and has seriously helped us with the baby E's snot faucet. She sounds so much better after each suction :).