Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Celebrating the 1st Day of Summer!

I decided to change over my previous blog to this blog. You can still find me over at twodaisiesandanelephant.blogspot.com. However, most of my blog posts from there will be transferred over to this one. So, at times you may see the "twodaisiesandanelephant" logo going across many of the photos. No worries, it is me. I promise.

This is a little late. I know. However, back around June 21st I decided to keep the tradition alive of celebrating the first day of summer.

Now, when Baby E goes into school this will more than likely be celebrated on the last day of school (you know, to welcome summer in). For right now though, just celebrating the first day of summer is perfect for us.
So, my mama grabbed Baby E a few beach buckets from Michaels for her to play with. We have one for the home and then one to take with us to the beach (since we haven't been to the beach yet, we play with both of them :))

We also grabbed the bathing suit from Kohls and the swimming diaper from Target.

The pool came from Walmart and the duckies were from Old Navy. The sunscreen you can get anywhere and in your preference :).

Once, everything was gathered. I just took the baby pool and wrapped it to form an ice cream cone and shoved it into the beach bucket. Then I just placed the swim diaper and the rubber duckies on top. Pushed the sunscreen in the middle to hold those items up and then the bathing suit is hanging out at the top in all its ruffly glory.

I gave it to baby E on the first day of summer and she loved it. She pulled out each item, looked at them, of course threw them, and then it was off to get dressed for the pool.

And of course, it can't be the perfect first day of summer without a glistening cool pool.

Baby E LOVED every moment of it and still loves it to this day.

Do you guys have any favorite ways to celebrate the first day of summer? OR Do you celebrate any other season?

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